This time last year, I started to write “Tales From The Karmic Edge” about some of the adventures from my life. The first blog was about Cannes Film Festival. I wasn’t going myself but described my experiences there over the previous decade. What I could remember anyway; there was a lot of Rosé… Ironically, this year I was intending to…
Category: Tales From the Karmic Edge
Glass Half Full
As I see in the new year, it occurs to me that, like many people, I have never woken up on 1st January without a hangover. I don’t consider myself a heavy drinker; I only drink socially, not every night and never alone. Well, apart from after that break up in 2015…
I consider myself quite unconventional in many ways, but when I get to the bar, I become a gender cliché. My boyfriend has a pint of Guinness, but I prefer Prosecco, or lady crack, as he calls it. Well, you can take the girl out of Essex…
Continue Reading →The Longest Night
At winter solstice, the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, thus giving us the shortest period of daylight all year. It’s been honoured as a significant time since prehistory and marked at ancient monuments worldwide.
This year, the shortest day falls on Sunday 22 December. Rather than get up to go to Stonehenge at dawn, I’ll be heading to Glastonbury for a ritual at the more user-friendly time of 4pm…
Continue Reading →Man’s Best Friend
I was never allowed a dog as a child. I used to beg my mum, but she had two noisy kids to look after, and didn’t need a third, hairy mouth to feed. My boyfriend was the opposite – brought up in the countryside with 27 dogs. His last dog had died a few months before I met him. Iain was devastated and admitted that he had a dog sized hole in his heart no person could ever fill…
Continue Reading →The Day of the Dead
The Festival of the Dead is celebrated all around the world, usually at the end of the harvest between August and November. Although the rituals vary, almost every culture shares the belief that at a specific time the veil between the living and dead is at its thinnest, and respect must be paid.
It may seem unlikely but now there is a new global destination for The Day of the Dead – Toxeth in Liverpool…
Continue Reading →Into The Woods
There is a small woodland near my house, which I walk through most days to get to the station. But recently, I have been trying to be more mindful of the trees, rather than simply marching past them. It all started this summer. I was booked to perform at a festival in the grounds of a stately home. When I arrived, I saw a board listing all the workshops, including “Forest Bathing”. I didn’t know what that was, but I had a few hours to kill before my show and it was the closest I’d get to a wash all weekend!
Continue Reading →Crossing The Bones
This week, I’ve been dusting off my Morticia Adams dress in preparation for Hallowe’en. Well, that’s the Christian term, which means "Saints' evening" and dates from about 1745. But it is widely thought to be the Christianisation of the ancient Pagan festival Samhain, from the Old Irish for 'summer's end’. Samhain, which some claim was the old Celtic New Year,…
On The Road
September has arrived and the madness of the Edinburgh Fringe is over. Some comedians have returned home to their families and day jobs. Others are on holiday, recuperating and catching the last rays of summer, or back on the London circuit, gigging again. However, like me, many are now taking their show on the road…
Continue Reading →The Lunatic Fringe
This August, like most comedians, I decamped from London and headed to Edinburgh for the Fringe…
Continue Reading →Rolling Out The Red Carpet
Every May, the world’s eyes turn to the Cannes Film Festival to see what the celebrities will do…
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