Month: January 2020

Glastonbury Tor

The Longest Night

At winter solstice, the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, thus giving us the shortest period of daylight all year. It’s been honoured as a significant time since prehistory and marked at ancient monuments worldwide.

This year, the shortest day falls on Sunday 22 December. Rather than get up to go to Stonehenge at dawn, I’ll be heading to Glastonbury for a ritual at the more user-friendly time of 4pm…

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Man’s Best Friend

I was never allowed a dog as a child. I used to beg my mum, but she had two noisy kids to look after, and didn’t need a third, hairy mouth to feed. My boyfriend was the opposite – brought up in the countryside with 27 dogs. His last dog had died a few months before I met him. Iain was devastated and admitted that he had a dog sized hole in his heart no person could ever fill…

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